Statistics & Research about Neptune Beach,FL - Brazoria Ins Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Neptune Beach,FL an area served by Brazoria Ins Agency

Phone : 888-254-5014

Real estate research for area nearby Brazoria Ins Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Jacksonville East 183,700 967 6.3
Atlantic Beach 329,700 1165 4.2
Nocatee 322,800 1567 5.8
St. Johns County 256,000 1068 5.0
Sawgrass 462,400 1312 3.4
Yulee 183,300 1118 7.3
Lakeside 162,100 1049 7.8
Nassau Village-Ratliff 124,500 858 8.3
Fleming Island 244,900 1372 6.7
St. Augustine 232,000 1000 5.2

Number of new houses in places near by Brazoria Ins Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Jacksonville East 124200
Nocatee 334000
St. Johns County 311400
St. Augustine 322100
Fruit Cove 320700
Jacksonville West 153000

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Brazoria Ins Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Jacksonville East 30877
Atlantic Beach 938
Nocatee 546
St. Johns County 19209
Sawgrass 526
Yulee 2365
Lakeside 3739
Nassau Village-Ratliff 285
Fleming Island 3706
St. Augustine 8693
Fruit Cove 5520
Orange Park 10334
Jacksonville Beach 1294
Jacksonville West 16300
Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace 861

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Brazoria Ins Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Jacksonville East 5276
Atlantic Beach 169
Nocatee 211
St. Johns County 5509
Sawgrass 111
Yulee 285
Lakeside 274
Nassau Village-Ratliff 14
Fleming Island 1194
St. Augustine 2369
Fruit Cove 1894
Orange Park 1717
Jacksonville Beach 309
Jacksonville West 2413
Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace 28

Number of blacks in places near by Brazoria Ins Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Jacksonville East 71885
Atlantic Beach 1422
Nocatee 150
St. Johns County 10158
Yulee 1559
Lakeside 2992
Nassau Village-Ratliff 65
Fleming Island 741
St. Augustine 7247
Fruit Cove 1147
Orange Park 9670
Jacksonville Beach 1442
Jacksonville West 143971
Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace 3337