Statistics & Research about Palm Coast,FL - Conser Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Palm Coast,FL an area served by Conser Insurance Inc

21 Old Kings Rd N Ste B102 Palm Coast
Palm Coast,FL
Phone : (386) 597-1570

Real estate research for area nearby Conser Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Daytona Beach 137,400 762 6.7
Butler Beach 306,700 1046 4.1
Flagler County 180,300 1040 6.9
Crescent City 88,700 672 9.1
St. Augustine Shores 164,200 1098 8.0
Seville 75000 NA NA
Palm Coast 172,300 1072 7.5
Palatka 113,600 620 6.5
Hastings 138,400 858 7.4
Matanzas 199,800 1060 6.4

Number of old houses in places near by Conser Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Daytona Beach 152900
Flagler County 88100
Crescent City 53800
Palm Coast 103900
Palatka 89700
Hastings 240000
Pierson 53800
Putnam County 88700

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Conser Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Daytona Beach 209600
Butler Beach 360400
Flagler County 192600
Crescent City 127700
St. Augustine Shores 210800
Palm Coast 184500
Palatka 141000
Hastings 158300
Matanzas 243300
Pierson 218800
Crescent Beach 1000001
St. Augustine South 224300
Putnam County 129000
Villano Beach 491700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Conser Insurance Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Daytona Beach 10591
Butler Beach 1954
Flagler County 29337
Crescent City 4038
St. Augustine Shores 1786
Seville 115
Palm Coast 22763
Palatka 5185
Hastings 3174
Matanzas 3771
Pierson 347
Crescent Beach 382
St. Augustine South 1569
Putnam County 18070
Villano Beach 805

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Conser Insurance Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Daytona Beach 2124
Butler Beach 403
Flagler County 7860
Crescent City 750
St. Augustine Shores 175
Seville 14
Palm Coast 6348
Palatka 1488
Hastings 469
Matanzas 961
Pierson 49
Crescent Beach 118
St. Augustine South 235
Putnam County 4083
Villano Beach 345