Statistics & Research about Graceville,FL - Denis Ricker & Brown

Here are some statistics & research about Graceville,FL an area served by Denis Ricker & Brown

5390 Cliff St
Phone : (850) 263-4483

Car dealers nearby Denis Ricker & Brown

Henry Arnold Ford Co., Inc.

HENRY ARNOLD FORD CO., INC., 5323 Brown Street, Graceville, FL 32440, (850) 263-3271
Phone: (850) 263-3271

Real estate research for area nearby Denis Ricker & Brown

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kinsey 89,500 688 9.2
Cypress 100,200 704 8.4
Noma 33,500 444 15.9
Cowarts 90,800 717 9.5
Cottonwood 80,100 567 8.5
Webb 74,300 644 10.4
Graceville 105,000 572 6.5
Avon 89,000 688 9.3
Cottondale 65,200 730 13.4
Houston County 122,000 641 6.3

Number of whites in places near by Denis Ricker & Brown

Place name Number of whites
Kinsey 975
Cypress 4736
Noma 132
Cowarts 1489
Cottonwood 5275
Webb 1005
Graceville 3873
Avon 530
Cottondale 2508
Houston County 71132
Rehobeth 1479
Alford 3396
Bellwood-Coffee Springs 1648
Washington County 19760
Malone 2544

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Denis Ricker & Brown

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Kinsey 84700
Cypress 101500
Noma 30700
Cowarts 88300
Cottonwood 81300
Webb 85000
Graceville 69200
Avon 94000
Cottondale 51000
Houston County 121100
Rehobeth 135400
Alford 72500
Bellwood-Coffee Springs 73200
Washington County 71000
Malone 95000

Number of new houses in places near by Denis Ricker & Brown

Place name Number of new houses
Houston County 206000
Washington County 114600

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Denis Ricker & Brown

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Kinsey 83
Cypress 296
Noma 1
Cowarts 86
Cottonwood 349
Webb 61
Graceville 182
Avon 52
Cottondale 160
Houston County 5747
Rehobeth 118
Alford 281
Bellwood-Coffee Springs 101
Washington County 1279
Malone 109