Statistics & Research about Live Oak,FL - Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Live Oak,FL an area served by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

1720 Ohio Avenue North
Live Oak,FL
Phone : (386) 218-1123

Car dealers nearby Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Graham Auto

Graham Auto 114 Spruce St. NW P. O. BOX 155 Live Oak, Florida 32064
Live Oak,FL
Phone: (386) 209-2886

Real estate research for area nearby Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Suwannee County 105,400 665 7.6
East Echols 59,500 595 12
Jennings 78,200 696 10.7
Branford 88,500 682 9.2
Five Points 104,400 493 5.7
Hamilton County 72,300 656 10.9
Madison 87,900 655 8.9
Columbia County 120,900 736 7.3
White Springs 72,300 813 13.5
Live Oak 116,100 642 6.6

Number of whites in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of whites
Suwannee County 35519
East Echols 1574
Jennings 3285
Branford 6729
Five Points 795
Hamilton County 8993
Madison 8803
Columbia County 52458
White Springs 1138
Live Oak 13747
Lake City 38008
Lee 393
Mayo 5160
Jasper 4570
Lake Park 7121

Number of vacant houses in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Suwannee County 3145
East Echols 117
Jennings 482
Branford 772
Five Points 93
Hamilton County 1270
Madison 1152
Columbia County 4662
White Springs 231
Live Oak 975
Lake City 2923
Lee 54
Mayo 562
Jasper 557
Lake Park 429

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Suwannee County 95000
East Echols 141300
Jennings 156300
Branford 69100
Five Points 100000
Hamilton County 65000
Madison 99000
Columbia County 121400
White Springs 39300
Live Oak 103800
Lake City 130300
Mayo 168100
Jasper 63500
Lake Park 95300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Suwannee County 10602
East Echols 395
Jennings 992
Branford 1927
Five Points 196
Hamilton County 2928
Madison 3968
Columbia County 16259
White Springs 512
Live Oak 4065
Lake City 11881
Lee 151
Mayo 1513
Jasper 1424
Lake Park 1946