Statistics & Research about Bonifay,FL - Matt Bischof

Here are some statistics & research about Bonifay,FL an area served by Matt Bischof

507 S Waukesha St

Real estate research for area nearby Matt Bischof

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Noma 33,500 444 15.9
Geneva 83,500 568 8.2
Taylor 98,500 688 8.4
Esto 46,700 506 13.0
Wausau 61,300 628 12.3
Clayhatchee 85,700 611 8.6
Samson 70,500 393 6.7
Paxton-Darlington 111,700 595 6.4
Esto-Noma 76,700 625 9.8
Caryville 65,800 540 9.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Matt Bischof

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Noma 4
Geneva 171
Taylor 6
Esto 3
Wausau 4
Clayhatchee 9
Samson 153
Paxton-Darlington 188
Esto-Noma 62
Caryville 106
Holmes County 473
Rehobeth 7
Alford 63
Bonifay 273

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Matt Bischof

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Geneva 43900
Taylor 197500
Esto 87500
Wausau 41300
Clayhatchee 131300
Samson 156600
Paxton-Darlington 123900
Esto-Noma 117900
Caryville 65400
Holmes County 141400
Rehobeth 172200
Jacob City 42500
Alford 117100
Bonifay 176800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Matt Bischof

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Geneva 28
Taylor 17
Wausau 13
Samson 65
Paxton-Darlington 139
Esto-Noma 22
Caryville 38
Holmes County 186
Rehobeth 20
Alford 4
Bonifay 45

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Matt Bischof

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Noma 30000
Geneva 160700
Taylor 112100
Esto 23800
Wausau 80000
Clayhatchee 69100
Samson 59800
Paxton-Darlington 129400
Esto-Noma 70700
Caryville 64500
Holmes County 84200
Rehobeth 170800
Jacob City 47100
Alford 75200
Bonifay 78200