Statistics & Research about Madison,FL - Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Madison,FL an area served by Southwest Insurance Center Inc

378 E Base St Ste 107
Phone : 850-973-6641

Car dealers nearby Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Jimmies Auto Sales

JIMMIES AUTO SALES 6025 S SR 53.MADISON,FL,32340 PH850-519-1617
Phone: 850-519-1617

Real estate research for area nearby Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dixie 85,800 942 13.2
Valdosta 123,100 769 7.5
Madison County 85,600 669 9.4
Perry 80,300 567 8.5
Dowling Park 100,100 581 7.0
Lowndes County 134,000 775 6.9
Remerton 101,400 734 8.7
Brooks County 100,600 584 7.0
Day 150,700 668 5.3

Number of old houses in places near by Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Dixie 117000
Valdosta 129500
Madison County 91800
Perry 56900
Lowndes County 144400
Brooks County 127200
Lake Park 195100
Lee 137500
Empress 141100
Statenville 14200

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Dixie 67100
Valdosta 176900
Madison County 113000
Perry 150800
Dowling Park 113600
Lowndes County 188900
Brooks County 149500
Day 161600
Lake Park 208300
Lee 74200
Empress 165000
Statenville 9999

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Dixie 327
Valdosta 14788
Madison County 4977
Perry 1790
Dowling Park 2337
Lowndes County 23028
Remerton 151
Brooks County 4621
Lamont 25
Day 325
Lake Park 1946
Lee 151
Empress 384
Statenville 145
Aucilla 37

Number of new houses in places near by Southwest Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Valdosta 39200
Lowndes County 151400