State Farm
Description : Ride with the #1 car insurer in Florida!
Expect more than just Auto Insurance Quotes!
For a consultation or an insurance quote
call (352) 259-0900
for all your insurance needs
Auto (golf carts too!) - Personal Liability - Life - Health
We have five (5) licensed insurance agents waiting to assist you!
Your local respresentative right here in The Villages, Florida!
Golf cart accessible!
270 Campbell Ave, The Villages, FL 32162-5389
Phone: 352-259-0900
Fax: 352-259-4888
Distance: 40.6 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Good afternoon and happy Thursday. Throw back Thursday. Wearing my Civics hat today. Election day is coming up November 4th. I certainly hope all of you will get out and vote. Voting in our great country is a privilege that fellow Americans have died to protect.
Beginning to welcome back all of our winter residents! Dont forget to check in with us on any updates, new vehicle purchases, golf cart coverage, etc. Its going to be a great winter and Welcome Back to The Villages.
Happy Monday. Lets get cleaning! Fall is in the air and its a good time to replace any old AC filters. Also, take a look at your clothes dryer vent. When was the last time you gave it a good cleaning? Also, get behind that refrigerator and check any water line connections.